
Friday, April 13, 2012

Don't Wake Me

It's been a hectic week here.  Big brother started baseball.  Little brother is going through a major growth spurt.  When he grows, I get hungry. When I get hungry, everyone eats! Things are growing around here.  Sometimes we walk past it a million times before we actually notice it, like this:

a spare guy  


I must look at that patch of land a thousand times a day and never see anything.  All of a sudden, asparagus!  There were some pretty dainty ones that looked so delicious and tender.  I was going to let them grow a little more before I served them for dinner but some critter got to them first.  Survival of the fittest around here, I'll tell ya.

can you puree those?


My days at home with little brother have been full.  He's growing so fast.  His naps are becoming shorter and his meals are becoming longer. Lately, we've been met by the sweetest turkey every day.  I named her Penny. She has a boyfriend, Tom, but he doesn't come around every day like she does.  She scares really easily, so I have to creep to the window and snap a picture really fast.  It took about three days for me to get just this one, but it captures her personality well, I think.

madam penny mchenny, esquire

She makes me so happy.

A few months ago, we had our septic dug up and some repairs done in the back yard against the house.  This process ended up killing two rosebushes that were very beautiful and healthy before.  I had a really hard time  watching it happen. The bobcat vs. rosebush battle of 2011 was a doozy.  Anyway, D got me 2 new rosebushes for Easter and they are lovely!  Already blooming and they aren't even in the ground yet!

And here come the irises!  I've been waiting. They were so tight in their little buds. I couldn't wait.

And! And! peonies! They are my all-time favorite. They were what I carried in my wedding. They remind me of my grandma. I love their little ant babies!

Easter went well. Except that the school system made spring break the week before we hosted Easter for the second weekend in a row, thus making it nearly impossible to do so with a clean house.  No one seemed to notice.  At least they didn't say anything.  Silly school system. The boys got a lot of gifts. Big got a new Bible and a watch, baseball equipment, and legos. Little got Sophie the giraffe from my sister (hands down-best toy ever.), some books and clothes and an exersaucer.  Man, that thing is intense!

And, finally, I've been starting the seedlings for our garden. Our laundry room has been taken over and smells like dirt and plants.  I don't have a great history of keeping plants alive but I'm babying these little guys and talking to them, telling them how pretty they are. Encouraging them and saying little prayers. I'd appreciate if you all did the same.

2 green bean sprouts! isn't God fancy?


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